This section provides a basic guide on how to enter and quickly navigate the Axacute Mobile Platform with ease.

Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar allows users to quickly move between forms and provides ease of access to users throughout the Axacute experience.

Axacute QR Code

Prerequisite: Depends on "Enable Multi Scan" settings in the Transaction Parameter form.

The "Scan Axacute QR Code" field allows for quick QR scanning to autofill data in forms, linked to either Production or Inventory modules, based on settings:

  1. Enable Multi Scan (Production): Activates a Scan field for Axacute QR codes related to Jobs, Suffixes, or Operations, auto-filling details in the WIP Module
  2. Enable Multi Scan (Inventory): Activates a Scan field for Axacute QR codes of Warehouse, Item, Lot, or Location, auto-populating fields in Warehouse and Incoming, Outgoing Modules.

With the relevant "Enable Multi Scan" option enabled, the "Scan Axacute QR Code" field appears on specific forms for efficient data entry through QR scanning.

