Objects are the access to different functionalities. The Object List displays a list of objects which you can view the users who have the access to the objects. You can find it via this path:
Administration -> Objects
Note: User’s objects are control by the User Group assigned to the user.
Objects Description
PO Receipt | Mobile | Incoming | Purchase order receipts |
TO Receipt | Mobile | Incoming | Transfer order receipt |
Putaway | Mobile | Incoming | Put away |
CO Return | Mobile | Incoming | Customer order returns |
Item Inquiry | Mobile | Inquiry | Item inquiry |
Location Inquiry | Mobile | Inquiry | Location inquiry |
Pallet Inquiry | Mobile | Inquiry | Pallet inquiry |
Job Inquiry | Mobile | Inquiry | Job order status inquiry |
Job Attachment Inquiry | Mobile | Inquiry | Job attachment inquiry |
Pick and Ship | Mobile | Outgoing | Pick and ship in one go |
CO Shipping | Mobile | Outgoing | Customer order shipping |
CO Picking | Mobile | Outgoing | Customer order picking |
TO Shipping | Mobile | Outgoing | Transfer order shipping from source warehouse |
PO Return | Mobile | Outgoing | Purchase order returns |
CO UnPicking | Mobile | Outgoing | Customer order unpicking |
Stock Move | Mobile | Warehouse | Move stock from one location to another |
Misc Receipt | Mobile | Warehouse | Miscellaneous receipt |
Misc Issue | Mobile | Warehouse | Miscellaneous issuance |
Inventory Count | Mobile | Warehouse | Inventory count |
Pick List Mobile | Mobile | Warehouse | Mobile pick list for pick and unpick |
Job Material Issue | Mobile | WIP | Job material issuance |
Job Material Return | Mobile | WIP | Job material return |
Job Receipt | Mobile | WIP | Receive finished goods from Job |
Job Labor Hours | Mobile | WIP | Job order labor transaction |
Machine Run Hours | Mobile | WIP | Machine run time transaction |
WIP Move | Mobile | WIP | Work in process movement from one operation to another |
Job Return | Mobile | WIP | Return job item to production |
Pallet Move | Mobile | Pallet | Move pallet from one location to another location |
Pallet Letdown | Mobile | Pallet | Take pallet items out from a Pallet partially or completely to another or same location |
Pallet Transfer | Mobile | Pallet | Transfer the item from one pallet to another existing pallet within a warehouse and location |
Pallet Builder | Mobile | Pallet | Move unit items from a location into an existing pallet |
Pallet Destruction | Mobile | Pallet | Empty & destroy the pallet. |
Administration | Web | Administration | System administration |
Connected Apps | Web | Administration | Third-party apps integration connection configuration |
License Plate Number Definition | Web | Administration | LPN definition |
Lot Number Definition | Web | Administration | Lot number definition |
Order Number Definition | Web | Administration | Order number definition |
Labels | Web | Barcode Admin | Label editor |
QR Codes | Web | Barcode Admin | QR Code editor |
Material Transactions | Web | History | Transaction history (audit trail) |
Value Change Log | Web | History | Value change history |
Job Transactions | Web | History | Job transaction history |
Job Transactions | Web | History | Job Transactions - WIP Reverse |
Machine Transactions | Web | History | Machine transaction history |
Import Log | Web | History | Import history |
Background Tasks | Web | History | Background tasks history |
Integration Log | Web | History | Third-party apps integration history |
Purchase Orders | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of purchase order transaction data |
Customer Orders | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of customer order transaction data |
Transfer Orders | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of transfer order transaction data |
Job Orders | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of job order transaction data |
Inventory Count | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of inventory count master data |
Warehouses | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of warehouse master data |
Locations | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of location master data |
Items | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of item master data |
Item Locations | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of item location master data |
Item Lot Locations | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of item lot location master data |
Alternate Barcodes | Web | Maintenance | Alternate Barcodes |
Customers | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of customer master data |
Shipping Zones | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of customer shipping zone |
Vendors | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of vendor master data |
Machines | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of machine master data |
Indirect Tasks | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of indirect task master data |
UOMs | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of UOM master data |
UOM Conversions | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of UOM conversion master data |
Reason Codes | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of reason code master data |
Product Codes | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of product code master data |
Employees | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of employee master data |
Work Centers | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of work center master data |
Job Routes | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of job route master data |
Job Materials | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of job material master data |
Labor & Machine | Web | Maintenance | Manage of ongoing labor & machine transaction |
Item Warehouses | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of item warehouse master data |
Zones | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of zone master data |
Lots | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of lot master data |
Count Groups | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of count group master data |
Bill of Materials | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of BOM |
Allocation | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of allocation process for customer order |
Pick List | Web | Maintenance | Maintenance of pick list for customer order |
Inventory Reports | Web | Reports | Inventory reporting |
Production Reports | Web | Reports | Production reporting |
Transaction Reports | Web | Reports | Transaction reporting (job sheet) |
Aggregated Materials Requirement | Web | Production Report | Production reporting |
Job Materials Requirement by Operation | Web | Production Report | Production reporting |