The Lot Number Definition form is where user can define lot number format. User can assign the lot number definition to a lot-tracked item for system to auto generate lot number. You can find it via this path:

Administration -> Lot Number Definition

Add Lot Number Definition

1. In the Lot Number Definition List form, click the Add button.

2. In the Add Lot Number Definition form, enter the Lot number definition details. Specify the name for the lot number definition (must be unique) and define the Running Number Digits and Start Running Number.

3. Specify the lot number definition by select the segment to add. User can use constant field to add constant, divider and/or specific characters.

4. Click on Reset button to redo.

5. Click Save button to add lot number definition.

Edit Lot Number Definition

1. In the Lot Number Definition List form, click the Edit button.

2. In the Edit Lot Number Definition form, user only allowed to edit the Active status for the Lot Number Definition.

3. Click Save button to complete.

Delete Lot Number Definition

1. In the Lot Number Definition List form, tick the checkbox for lot number definition which need to be delete. System will reset the lot number definition of the lot-tracked item which assigned with the deleted lot number definition. Click the Delete button to delete.

2. A warning message will be prompt to ask for confirmation on delete, click Yes button to delete.