Allocation allows users to filter and select the order lines for the system to auto perform hard allocation according to the allocation rules of the required items. The allocation rule is determine based on the 'Issued By' setting in the item master file, which can be FEFO, FIFO, by lot number and location. Allocation will run as a background task without interruptions to the users usage.



System will allocate items from the lot with the earliest expiry date.


System will allocate items from the lot with the earliest received date.

Lot Number

System will allocate items according to the lot number sequence (ascending order).


System will allocate items according to the location ranking. (ascending order).


Order Type

Identify the order type for the line. i.e.: customer order 

Batch Num

Identify the allocation batch number of the order line.


Identify the warehouse of the order line.

Ref Num

Identify the order number.

Ref Line

Identify the order line number.

Due Date

Identify the due date for the order line.


The required item to allocate for the order line.


The description of the required item.

Product Code

Identify the product code of the required item.

Qty Required

Quantity required for the item to fulfill the order line.

Qty Available

Quantity available (Quantity on Hand – Quantity Allocated) to allocate for the item.

Qty Shortage

Quantity shortage, the balance amount which is not allocated (Quantity Required – Quantity Allocated).

Qty Allocated

Quantity allocated for the required item.


Unit of measure of the allocated item.

Customer Code

Identify the customer of the customer order and job order.

Pick List Number

Identify the pick list number when the allocation line is generated into a pick list.


Open: When the order line is allocated and not generated into a pick list.

Failed: When there is zero allocated quantity to the order line.

Generated: When the order line is generated into a pick list.

Completed: When the order line is picked and shipped. 

Add Allocation

Case: Adding a new Allocation.

1. In the Allocation List form, click the Add button.

2. In the Add Allocation form, users can filter results by: Warehouse, Order Type, Ref Num, Due Date, Item, Product Code and Customer.

3. Click the Filter button to show the filtered results in the pop up form. Users can click the Reset button to clear all the filters.

4. Select the order line by ticking on the checkbox and click the Add button.

In the section detailing the Filtered Order Lines form, please note: To enhance system performance during allocation processes, the ability to filter by "Qty Available" and "Qty Variance" columns has been disabled. Users will benefit from improved efficiency and speed.

5. Users can continue to filter and add more order lines. After adding, verify the Selected Order Lines in the table below.

6. Users can tick the order line and click the Delete button if the record needs to be removed.

7. Once it is completed, select the order line and click on the Run Allocation button to generate an allocation.

8. The system will route to the Allocation List form. Ensure the success message is displayed at the top right. The order lines will appear on the In Progress tab once the allocation background task is completed. The records will go into the Processed tab when the allocation process end. To monitor the allocation background task, refer to Background Tasks under History section for the details.

Edit Allocation

Case: Edit an existing Allocation.

1. In the Allocation List form, click Processed tab to view the order lines which shows that the allocation process has been completed. Scroll to right and click on the Edit button for the line to update the allocation. Only a line with the status Open or Failed can be updated.

2. Users may change the Quantity Allocated field to override the allocation which is auto processed by the system based on the item allocation rule. Click on the Full button if you wish to allocate from the location and lot.

3. Click on  the Save button to complete the editing or click the Reset button to reset the allocation back to system default settings.

Delete Allocation

Case: Delete an existing Allocation.

1. In the Allocation List form, click the Processed tab to view the order lines which shows that the allocation process has been completed. Tick the checkbox for the line you wish to delete. Only a line with the status Open or Failed can be deleted.

2. Click on the Delete button.

3. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion, otherwise, click the Cancel button.