Users must run the allocation process before generating a pick list. The Pick List form allows users to filter and select the allocation line to generate a pick list. A Pick list can be generated into a few types: single order pick list, zone pick list and shipping zone pick list. The system will auto assign the pick list due date base on the earliest due date of the order lines. The picker can perform the picking once the pick list is generated and released.


Single Order

Single order pick list consists of order lines from the same order number per pick list.


Zone pick list consists of order lines where the allocated locations belong to the same zone.

Shipping ZoneShipping zone pick list group order lines with same shipping zone.

Pick List Number

System auto generates a running number for the pick list.


Identify the warehouse of the pick list.

Packing Location

Identify the packing/pick to location of the order line.


Identify the type of pick list: Single Order, Multiple Orders, Zone or Shipping Zone.

Shipping ZonesIdentify the shipping zone if the pick list type is by shipping zone.

Picker ID

Identify the picker who assigned to the pick list.

Due Date

Identify the due date for the pick list.


Open: When the pick list is intended to initiate picking process.

Released: When a picker has been assigned to the pick list and is ready for picking.

Completed: When the pick list is fully picked or manually closed by the user.

Add Pick List

Case: Adding a new Pick List.

1. In the Pick List form, click the Add button.

2. In the Add Pick List form, users can filter result by: Warehouse, Order Type, Ref Num, Due Date, Item, Product Code, Customer and Shipping Zone.

3. Click the Filter button to show the filtered results in the pop up form. Users can click Reset button to clear all the filters.

4. Select the order line by ticking on the checkbox and click the Add button.

5. Users can continue to filter and add more order lines and once it is completed, verify the Selected Order Lines in the table below.

6. Users can tick the order line and click the Delete button if the record needs to be removed.

7. Once the order line has been selected, click on the Next button.

8. In the Pick List Generation form, the Summary on top is showing the information based on the selected order lines, group pick list rule and the constrain of maximum item/order per pick list.

9. Users can select to group the pick list by either Single Order, Zone or Shipping Zone.

10. Users can set the maximum number of items or orders per pick list.

11. Click the Generate Pick List button to generate the pick list.

Batch Update Pick List

Case: Do a Batch update on an existing Pick List.

1. In the Pick List form, tick the checkbox for the pick list you wish to do a batch update. A batch update allows users to update fields in the multiple pick lists from the same warehouse at a time.

2. Click the Batch Update button.

3. In the Batch Update pop up form, users can:

  • Assign a Picker to the selected pick list. It will replace the existing picker of the pick list.
  • Change the Due Date for the selected pick list. The pick list due date default is generated based on the transaction parameters setting and the earliest due date of the order line in the pick list.
  • Change the Status of the selected pick list and by default the pick list status will be Open. Picker can perform picking when the status is Released. Once the picking is completed or the user needs to cancel the pick list, the user can change the status to Closed.
  • Change the Packing Location of the selected pick list and by default the packing location will based on the transaction parameter settings. A user is not allowed to change the settings once the picking starts.

4. Click on the Save button to complete.

Case: Print an existing pick list.

1. In the Pick List form, click the Pick List Number (highlighted in blue) you wish to print.

2. In the View Pick List form, click on the Print button.

3. In the Print Sorting pop up window, select the sorting rule and click on the Process button.

4. The Pick List will be generated in PDF format and ready to be printed.

Edit Pick List

Case: Editing an existing Pick List.

1. In the Pick List form, scroll to right and click on the Edit button to modify the pick list.

2. In the Edit Pick List form, update the fields you wish to change.

3. Click on the Save button to complete the editing.

Delete Pick List

Case: Deleting a Pick List.

1. In the Pick List form, tick the checkbox for the pick list you wish to delete. The system only allows to delete a pick list with status Open and without any quantity picked.

2. Click the Delete button.

3. Click the Yes button in confirm the deletion of the pick list, otherwise, click the Cancel button.