Inventory count is a procedure to reconcile the stock in the system versus the actual stock in the warehouse. The Inventory Count form allows users to generate and manage the count batch and a count batch contains multiple count sheets. A count sheet is a group of locations and items used to ease the printing of the inventory count records. Users can assign counter to update the count quantity through a mobile inventory count and post the counted quantity to update the inventory balance.

Count Batch

Sheet Number

System generates a running number for the count sheet of the count batch.


System will show the location if the count sheet is generated by location. This field will be empty when the count sheet is combined with multiple locations.


Planned: When the count sheet is intended to initiate an inventory count process.

Released: When the counter has been assigned to the count sheet and ready for an inventory count.

Review: When the inventory count process is paused for review and the user is ready to post the counted quantity.

Closed: When all the items had been posted.

Complete Count

To identify if all the lines in the count sheet are being counted.

Total Line

Identify the number of items in the count sheet.

Counter 1

The employee ID of the first counter assigned to the count sheet.


The employee’s name of counter 1.

Counter 2

The employee ID of the second counter assigned to the count sheet and is usually the verifier.


The employee’s name of counter 2.

Count Date

The actual count date of the count sheet.

Posted Date

The date the counted quantity was posted to the count sheet.

Created Date

The creation date of the count sheet.

Count Sheet


The location of the items required to be counted.


The item to be counted.


The item description.

Lot Number

The lot number of the item required to be counted (for lot tracked item).


Uncounted: Counter is not performing any counting.

Counted: When the counter 1 quantity is same as the cutoff quantity.

Exception: When the counter 1 quantity is different from the cutoff quantity.

Review: When the count sheet is under review and the count process is paused.

Posted: When the admin had posted the counted quantity.


The item’s base UOM.

Qty Cutoff

The quantity on hand of the item by the time the count sheet is released and the item location is freeze.

Qty Posted

The posted counted quantity of the items.

Counter 1

The count quantity of the first counter.


The difference in percentage between the counter 1 quantity and the cutoff quantity. Variance = ((Counter 1 quantity – Qty Cutoff)/Qty Cutoff).

**System will show blank when Qty Cutoff is 0 and Counter 1 quantity is different

Counter 2

The count quantity of the second counter.

Modified By

The last user who edited the count quantity of counter 2.

Modified Date

The date time of the last modification of the count quantity of counter 2.


Case: Adding a new Count Batch.

1. In the Inventory Count Batch List form, click the Add button.

2. In the Add Batch form, fill in all the required fields.

3. Click the Save button to complete.


Case: Adding a new Count Sheet.

1. In the View Count Batch form, click the Add Count Sheet button.

2. In Count Sheet Line Selection form, users can filter results by: Location, Product Code, Count Group and Last Count Date.

3. Click the Filter button to show the filtered results in the pop up form. Users can click the Reset button to clear all the filters.

4. Select the items to count by ticking on the checkbox and click the Add button.

5. Users can continue to filter and add more lines and once completed, verify the Selected Count Sheet Lines in the table below.

6. Users can tick the line and click the Delete button if added wrongly.

7. Once the line has been selected, click on the Next button.

8. In the Generate Count Batch form, users can limit the maximum Line per Sheet, choose to generate count sheet by location or combined locations, and assign the Default Counter to the count sheets.

9. Click on the Generate Count Batch button to complete.


Case: Releasing Count Batch for the counter to start an inventory count.

1. In the Inventory Count Batch List form, click the Batch Name (highlighted in blue) which needs to be released. Item locations in the count batch will be freezed once released.

2. In the View Count Batch form, click on the Release Batch button. All count sheets must be assigned to a counter. Users can click on the Batch Assign button to assign a counter for the selected count sheets.


Case: Review the Count Sheet before Posting the Counts.

1. In the Inventory Count Batch List form, click the Batch Name (highlighted in blue) which is needed to review the count sheet.

2. In the View Count Batch form, tick the checkbox of the count sheet under the Released tab that you wish to review.

3. Click on the Review Sheet button. Review the count sheet indicates a pause on the inventory count process.

Note: Only the count sheet with a complete count can be reviewed.


Case: Resume Count Sheet to continue the inventory count process.

1. In the Inventory Count Batch List form, click the Batch Name (highlighted in blue) which is needed to resume the count sheet.

2. In the View Count Batch form, tick the checkbox of the count sheet under the Review tab that you wish to resume.

3. Click on the Resume Count button.


Case: Edit the quantity of counter 2 of the count sheet line.

1. In the Inventory Count Batch List form, click the Batch Name (highlighted in purple) to make modifications.

2. In the View Count Batch form, click the Sheet Number (highlighted in blue) which is needed to edit the count sheet line.

3. In the View Count Sheet form, scroll to right and click on the Edit button to edit a line.

4. In the Edit Inventory Count form, key in the Quantity Counter 2. The system only allows to edit the field "Quantity Counter 2".

5. Click on the Save button to complete the editing.

Case: Print out the count sheet.

1. In the Inventory Count Batch List form, select the Batch Name (highlighted in blue) to print the count sheet.

2. In the View Count Batch form, click the Print button.


Case: Post inventory count to update the Quantity On-Hand field for each inventory item, set the Last Count Date field to today’s date, unfreeze the item locations and close the count batch and count sheets.

1. In the Inventory Count Batch List form, click the Batch Name (highlighted in blue) which needed to post the inventory count.

2. In the View Count Batch form, click the Sheet Number (highlighted in blue) which is needed to post the inventory count.

3. In the View Count Sheet form, under the Review tab, click on the Post Counted button.

4. In the Post Inventory Count form, users can select  the option to post the counter 1 quantity or the counter 2 quantity. Users can click on the Post All By dropdown to  select the Post By option for all lines.

Notes: System not allowed Post Quantity lesser than Quantity Allocated of the item.

5. Click on the Post button to complete.