
The Web Application allows users to inquire historical transactions records through material transactions, job transactions, machine transactions, field value changes and background task. The form can be found as shown below:

Users can export the records via:

  1. Click Export to Excel  to export the result into Excel format.
  2. Click Export to CSV  to export the result into CSV format.

Material Transactions

Under the History section of the Web Application menu, the Material Transactions form allows users to view and filter the list of historical inventory transactions. It allows users to view information such as:

  • The type of transaction performed
  • Identify any item that was used in the transaction
  • The quantity of the item transacted
  • The user who created the transaction

The fields in the Material Transactions form are:


Trans. Num

Transactions number. This is system generated unique number to tag each transaction.

Note: By default, they are sorted in descending order.

Trans. Type

Transaction Type. Defines the nature of the transaction performed for that particular record.

Refer to Appendix for the full list of transaction types and their meaning.

Trans. Date

Date and time the transaction was performed.


Item used in the transaction.


The transacted item’s description.


The item’s base unit of measure.


The transacted quantity based on the item’s base unit of measure.

Trans. UOM

The actual unit of measure transacted.

Trans. Qty

The transacted quantity based on the actual unit of measure of the transaction.


Warehouse where the transaction was performed.


Location where the transaction was performed.

Lot Number

Identifies the lot number for the item if it is a lot tracked item.

LPNIdentifies os the pallet

Work Center

Work center related to the production operation and job route.

Ref Num

Reference document/order number (i.e.: purchase order, production order) .

SuffixThe job order suffix number.

Ref Line

Reference document/order line number.

Ref Release

Reference job material sequence number.

Pick List Num

Pick list number. For transactions from the pick list.

Reason Code

Certain transactions requires a reason code and can be used to categorize the purpose of the transaction.

Reason Code Description

The description of the reason code.

Doc Number

An external document or note reference number.

Vendor Lot

Lot number provided by the vendor.

Vendor DO

Vendor delivery order number.

Integration Log ID

This field displays the unique identifier for the integration log associated with the material transaction.

Created Time

Date and time stamp of the transaction.

Created By

Identifies the user who performed the transaction.

Site ID

Identifies the site.

Batch IDA unique identifier assigned to a group of mobile transactions processed together within the same batch. This Batch Id helps to identify and group related transactions, making it easier to track and manage records within the same batch.

Filter Results

Users may filter results by:

  1. Trans. Date - Select the range of dates to filter the results.
  2. Trans. Type - Select a transaction type from the drop-down list.
  3. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  4. Click the Reset button to clear all the filters.

Value Change Log

Under the History section of the Web Application menu, the Value Change Log form provides an audit trail to the changes of the field value or status.

The fields in the Value Change Log form are:


Trans. Num

Transaction number. This is a system generated unique number to tag each transaction.

Note: By default, they are sorted in descending order.

Form Name

The form where the field value changed.

Field Name

The field which the value changed.

Old Value

Field value before the change.

New Value

Field value after the change.

Ref Num

The field reference/order number.

SuffixThe suffix number for job order.

Ref Line

The order line number or job operation number.

Ref Release

The job material sequence.

LocationUse when change on quantity allocated, identifies allocated location.
Item NumThe Item Number associated with the change.
Lot NumUse when change on quantity allocated, identifies allocated lot number.

Modified By

Identifies the user who modified the field value.

Modified Time

Date and time of the modification.

Site ID

Identifies the site.

Filter Results

Users may filter results by:

  1. Modified Date - Select the range of dates to filter the results.
  2. Form Name - Select a form from the drop-down list.
  3. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  4. Click the Reset button to clear all the filters.

Import Log

Under the History section of the Web Application menu, the Import Log form provides an audit trail to all the import actions.

The fields in the Import Log form are:


Imported Date/Time

Date and time of the import action.


Identifies which form that the user imports into.


The excel file name that the user imports.


Indicates the status of the import. Success or failed imports.

Created By

Identifies the user who perform the import.


Identifies the number of lines in the import file.

Filter Results

Users may filter results by:

  1. Imported Date - Select the range of dates to filter the results.
  2. Object - Select the object where the import happened.
  3. Click the Filter button to filter results.
  4. Click the Reset button to clear all the filters.

Export Log

Under the History section of the Web Application menu, the Export Log form provides an audit trail to all the export actions.

The fields in the Import Log form are:


Exported Date/Time

Date and time of the export action.


Identifies which form that the user export from.


The excel file name that the user exports. Users can download the exported file for 24 hours. After that, the link expires. If the link expires, users can initiate the export process again to get a new active link.


Indicates the status of the export. Success or failed exports.

Created By

Identifies the user who perform the export.


Identifies the number of lines in the export file.

Filter Results

Users may filter results by:

  1. Exported Date - Select the range of dates to filter the results.
  2. Object - Select the object where the export happened.
  3. Click the Filter button to filter results.
  4. Click the Reset button to clear all the filters.

Background Tasks

Under the History section of the Web Application menu, the Background Tasks form allows users to monitor the tasks that have been run, to verify if they have completed successfully.

The fields in the Background Tasks form are:


Task Num

Task number. This is system generated unique number to tag each background task.

Note: By default, they are sorted in descending order.

Task Name

The background task name.

Task Description

The description of the background task.


Indicates the status of the background task: Waiting, Running, Completed, or Failed.

Submitted By

Identifies the user who submitted the background task.

Submitted Date

Identifies the date time when the background task was submitted.

Started Date

Identifies the start date and time when the background task started.

Completed Date

Identifies the date and time when the background task was completed.


The allocation batch number of the background task.


The successful and failed information of the allocation background task.


Click to view the allocation details.

Filter Results

Users may filter results by:

  1. Submitted Date - Select the range of dates to filter the results.
  2. Status - Select a status type from the drop-down list.
  3. Click the Filter button to filter results.
  4. Click the Reset button to clear all the filters.

Integration Log

Under the History section of the Web Application menu, the Integration Log form allows users to see the triggered API integrations tasks and their results. You can get an overview of all successful and failed attempts to API synchronize data between Axacute and your system.

To ensure optimal performance and maintain a clean log history, please note that log entries older than one 90 days will be automatically deleted from the Integration Log. This automated process helps streamline the log data and keeps it relevant to recent integration activities.

The fields in the Integration Log form are:

Log ID

This is system generated unique number to tag each integration log.

Note: By default, they are sorted in descending order.

Process Name

The process name of the integration.

Post Data The Form Data interface provides a way to construct a set of key/value pairs representing form fields and their values
Application TypeName of the application associated with the integration.
StatusStatus of the action, such as New, Success or Failed.
MethodHTTP API methods:-
1. Post - create operation
2. Get - retrieve operation
3. Put - update operation
4. Delete - delete operation 
Response LogResponse payload in JSON format to a POST method request payload
ExtrasService Name of the API endpoints
Created Time

Identifies the date time when the background task was submitted.

Created By

Identifies the user who submitted the integration task

Users may filter results by:

  1. Duration Day(s) - Select the predefined Created Time date range to filter the results.
  2. Status - Select a status type from the drop-down list.
  3. Application Type -  Select a application type from the drop-down list. 
  4. Click the Filter button to filter results.
  5. Click the Reset button to clear all the filters.