Transaction Types


CO Pick From

The removal of items from a picking location.

CO Pick To

The received  items sent to the staging location.

CO Return

The return of items from the associated customer to the warehouse.

CO Shipping

The shipping of items from the staging location to the customers.

Co Unpick From

The removal of items from the staging location.

CO Unpick To

 Items received from the staging location sent to the warehouse.

Inventory Count

The adjustment of items into the system based on the stock count.

Job Material Issue

The issuance of materials from the warehouse to the production site.

Job Material Return

The returning of materials to the warehouse from the production due to a specified reason

Job Receipt

The receiving of manufactured item from production to the location

Misc Issue

The removal of items for a non-customer order or non-job order transaction from the location due to a specified reason

Misc Receipt

The receiving of items from sources other than a purchase order or job operation source into the location due to a specified

Machine RunMachine runtime, uptime and downtime
Pick From

The picking of items from a location.

Pick ToThe receiving of items from location to a staging location.

Pick N Ship

The picking of items from the location to be shipped to customers.

PO Receipt

The receiving of items from a vendor to the warehouse.

PO Return

The return of items from the warehouse to the associated vendor.

Put Away From

The removal of items from one location to another in the warehouse.

Put Away To

The receiving of items from common location to a location.

Stock Move From

The removal of items from a location.

Stock Move To

The receiving of items from common location to a location.

TO Lost

The lost occurs during the shipment of a transfer order

TO Receipt From

The receiving of items that was shipped from another warehouse through transit location accompanied by a transfer order.

TO Receipt To
TO Ship From

The removal of items from one warehouse to be shipped to another warehouse through transit location accompanied by a transfer order.

TO Ship To
Unpick From

The removal of items from a staging location.

Unpick To

The receiving of items from staging location to a location.

WIP MoveThe moving of job completes from one operation to next operation
Pallet Build From
The removal of loose items from a location.
Pallet Build To
The receiving of loose items into an existing pallet
Pallet Move From

The removal of pallet from a location.

Pallet Move To

The receiving of pallet to a new location.

Pallet Letdown From

The removal of item from a pallet.

Pallet Letdown To
The receiving of items to a location.
Pallet Transfer From
Transfer the item from one pallet.

Pallet Transfer To

Transfer the item to another existing pallet
Pallet Destruct From

The removal of items from a pallet.

Pallet Destruct To
The receiving of items to a location.