
There are several production reports where user can view information and transaction summary related with production shop floor in Axacute system. You can find it via this path:

Reports -> Production

User can export the reports via:

  1. Click Export to Excel button to export the result into Excel format.
  2. Click Export to CSV button to export the result into CSV format.
  3. Click Print to print out the report from PDF if applicable.

Job Operation Hours

This report allow user to analyze the total setup, labor and machine hour spent on a job order.

The fields in the Job Operation Hours report are:


Job Order

Job order number.

SuffixJob order suffix number.


Job order status.


The designated code given to the job order item.

Item Description

The full description, specifications, or name of the job order item.

Qty ReleasedTotal quantity released for the job order.
Qty CompletedTotal quantity completed for the job order.
Qty ScrappedTotal quantity rejected for the job order.
UOMUnit of measure for the item.

Setup Time (Hrs)

Total hours spent on job setup.

Labor Run Time (Hrs)

Total hours spent on job run by employee.

Machine Run Time (Hrs)

Total hours spent on job run by machine.

Total Time (Hrs)

Sum of setup time, labor run time and machine run time for the job order.

Ave Labour Run Time per PieceTotal labor run time divide by total quantity completed.
Ave Machine Run Time per PieceTotal machine run time divide by total quantity completed.
Ave Total Run Time per PieceTotal run time divide by total quantity completed.
Planned Labour per PiecePlanned labour hour per piece for the job order.
Planned Machine per PiecePlanned machine hour per piece for the job order.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by: 
    1. Start Date - Select the range of job start date to filter the results.
    2. End Date - Select the range of job end date to filter the results.
    3. Job Order - Select the range of job order number to filter the results.
    4. Status - Select the job order status to filter the results.
    5. Item - Select the range of items to filter the results.
    6. Product Code - Select the range of product code for the job item to filter the results.
  2. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  3. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.

Item Scrap Summary

This report provide user the information of total scrapped quantity and how many time scraps occurred for an item.

The fields in the Item Scrap Summary report are:



The designated code given to the job order item.

Item Description

The full description, specifications, or name of the job order item.

Product CodeThe product code of the item.
Completed QtyTotal completed quantity.

Total Qty Scrapped

Total quantity rejected.


Unit of measure for the item.

YieldCompleted Qty / (Completed Qty + Total Qty Scrapped)
Reason CodeThe reason code of the reject.
Reason DescriptionThe description of reason code.

Total Occurrences

Total number of reporting incidents.

Qty ScrappedQuantity rejected for the reason.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by: 
    1. Trans. Date - Select the range of transaction date to filter the results.
    2. Item - Select the range of items to filter the results.
    3. Product Code - Select the range of product code for the item to filter the results.
    4. Reason Code - Select the reason code to filter the results.
  2. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  3. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.

Job Scrap Summary

This report give user the information of the job scrap in details including the scrap reason, quantity, and its number of occurrences.

The fields in the Job Scrap Summary report are:


Job Order

Job order number.

SuffixJob order suffix number.


Job order status.


The designated code given to the job order item.

Item Description

The full description, specifications, or name of the job order item.

Reason Code

The reason code of the reject.

Reason Description

The description of reason code.

Qty Scrapped

Total quantity rejected.


Unit of measure for the quantity rejected.

Total Occurrences

Total number of reporting incidents.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by: 
    1. Job Date - Select the range of job order date to filter the results.
    2. Job Order - Select the range of job order number to filter the results.
    3. Status - Select the job order status to filter the results.
    4. Item - Select the range of items to filter the results.
    5. Product Code - Select the range of product code for the job item to filter the results.
    6. Reason Code - Select the reason code to filter the results.
  2. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  3. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.

Machine Status Summary

This report provides the details of machine including the machine total setup time, total run time and total down time recorded in hours.

The fields in the Machine Status Summary report are:


Machine ID

Machine code.

Machine Description

Description/name of machine.

Setup Time (Hrs)

Total hours spent on job setup.

Run Time (Hrs)

Total hours spent on job run by machine.

Down Time (Hrs)

Total down time of the machine.

Down Time OccurencesTotal number of reporting downtime.

Total Time (Hrs)

Sum of setup time, run time and down time for the machine.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by: 
    1. Date - Select the range of date to filter the results.
    2. Machine ID - Select the range of machine code to filter the results.
  2. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  3. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.

Material Issued

This report allows user to identify the quantity of each material allocated and issued to specific job order.

The fields in the Materials Issued report are:


Job Order

Job order number.

SuffixJob order suffix number.


The designated code given to the job order item.

Item Description

The full description, specifications, or name of the job order item.

Qty ReleasedTotal quantity released of the job order.
Operation NumberJob operation number for the material issued.
SequenceJob material sequence.


The designated code given to the issued material required for the operation.

Material Description

The full description, specifications, or name of the material item.

Qty PerQuantity of material required to produce one job item.
Scrap FactorThe expected loss factor.
Qty RequiredTotal quantity required for the job material.
Qty IssuedTotal quantity of material issued to the job operation.

Qty Balance

Quantity Required - Quantity Issued


The unit of measure transacted.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by: 
    1. Date - Select the range of date to filter the results.
    2. Warehouse - Select the range of warehouse to filter the results.
    3. Job Order - Select the range of job order number to filter the results.
    4. Item - Select the range of job item to filter the results.
    5. Operation - Select the range of operation number to filter the results.
    6. Material - Select the range of job material item to filter the results.
    7. Product Code - Select the range of product code for the job item to filter the results.
  2. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  3. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.

Item Production Completion Summary

This report allows user to analyze the quantity of finished goods that were produced from daily manufacturing.

The fields in the Item Production Completion Summary report are:



The designated code given to the job order item.

Item Description

The full description, specifications, or name of the job order item.

Product CodeThe product code of the job order item.
UOMUnit of measure for the job item

Job Order

Job order number.

SuffixThe job order suffix number.
StatusThe job order status.
Qty ReleasedTotal quantity released of the job order.
Qty CompletedTotal completed quantity.
Qty BalanceQuantity Released - Quantity Completed + Quantity Scrapped

Receipt Date

Identifies the date when the job item was received into inventory.

LotThe lot number for lot item.


The total quantity of job item received on that date.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by: 
  2. Job Date - Select the range of job date to filter the results.
  3. Warehouse - Select the range of warehouse to filter the results.
  4. Job Order - Select the range of job order number to filter the results.
  5. Item - Select the range of job item to filter the results.
  6. Product Code - Select the range of product code for the job item to filter the results.
  7. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  8. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.

Job Order Status

This report allows users to monitor the status for all job orders.

The fields in the Job Order Status report are:

Job OrderThe job order number.
SuffixThe job order suffix number.
Customer CodeThe customer for the job order.
Customer NameThe customer name.
Job DateThe  job date of the order.
Start DateThe start date for job order.
End DateThe end date for job order.


The designated code given to the job order item.

Item Description

The full description, specifications, or name of the job order item.

Qty ReleasedTotal quantity released of the job order.
Qty CompletedTotal completed quantity.
Qty ScrappedTotal rejected quantity.
Qty BalanceQuantity Released - Quantity Completed + Quantity Scrapped


Unit of measure for the job item.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by: 
    1. Item - Select the range of job item to filter the results.
    2. Job Order - Select the range of job order number to filter the results.
    3. Customer - Select the range of customer code to filter the results.
    4. Job Date - Select the range of job date to filter the results.
    5. Completion Status - Select the job order completion status to filter the results.
    6. Past Due - If is tick, only job order already past due will be show in results.
  2. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  3. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.

Job Scrap Summary By Operation

This report give user the information of the job scrap in details for each operation including the scrap reason, quantity, and its number of occurrences.

The fields in the Job Scrap Summary By Operation report are:


Job Order

Job order number.

SuffixJob order suffix number.


Job order status.


The designated code given to the job order item.

Item Description

The full description, specifications, or name of the job order item.

Operation NumberJob operation number for the job scrapped.
Work CenterWork center code of the operation.
Work Center DescriptionWork center name or description.

Reason Code

The reason code of the reject.

Reason Description

The description of reason code.

Qty Scrapped

Total quantity rejected.


Unit of measure for the quantity rejected.

Total Occurrences

Total number of reporting incidents.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by: 
    1. Date - Select the range of transaction date to filter the results.
    2. Job Order - Select the range of job order number to filter the results.
    3. Status - Select the job order status to filter the results.
    4. Item - Select the range of items to filter the results.
    5. Product Code - Select the range of product code for the job item to filter the results.
    6. Work Center - Select the range of work center to filter the results.
  2. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  3. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.

Job Processing Hours By Operation

This report allows users to monitor the processing hours for all job operations.

The fields in the Job Processing Hours By Operation report are:

Job OrderThe job order number.
SuffixThe job order suffix number.
StatusThe job order status.


The designated code given to the job order item.

Item Description

The full description, specifications, or name of the job order item.

Operation NumberThe job operation number.
Work CenterWork center code of the operation.
Work Center Description Work center name or description.
Qty ReceivedTotal quantity received of the job operation.
Qty CompletedTotal completed quantity.
Qty ScrappedTotal rejected quantity.


Unit of measure for the job item.

Setup Time (Hrs)

Total hours spent on job setup.

Labor Run Time (Hrs)

Total hours spent on job run by employee.

Machine Run Time (Hrs)

Total hours spent on job run by machine.

Total Time (Hrs)

Sum of setup time, labor run time and machine run time for the job operation.
Ave Labour Run Time per PieceTotal labor run time divide by total quantity completed.
Ave Machine Run Time per PieceTotal machine run time divide by total quantity completed.
Ave Total Run Time per PieceTotal run time divide by total quantity completed.
Planned Labour per PiecePlanned labour hour per piece for the job operation.
Planned Machine per PiecePlanned machine hour per piece for the job operation.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by: 
    1. Start Date - Select the range of job start date to filter the results.
    2. End Date - Select the range of job end date to filter the results.
    3. Job Order - Select the range of job order number to filter the results.
    4. Status - Select the job order status to filter the results.
    5. Item - Select the range of job item to filter the results.
    6. Product Code - Select the range of product code for the job item to filter the results.
    7. Work Center - Select the range of work center to filter the results.
  2. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  3. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.

Labour Status Summary

This report provides the details of labour status including the total setup time, total run time and total indirect task time recorded in hours.

The fields in the Labour Status Summary report are:


Employee ID

Employee code.

Employee Description

Employee name.

Setup Time (Hrs)

Total hours spent on job setup.

Run Time (Hrs)

Total hours spent on job run.

Indirect Task Time (Hrs)

Total indirect task run time.

Indirect Task OccurencesTotal number of reporting indirect task.

Total Time (Hrs)

Sum of setup time, run time and indirect task time for the employee.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by:
    1. Date - Select the range of date to filter the results.
    2. Employee ID - Select the range of employee code to filter the results.
  2. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  3. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.

Aggregated Materials Requirement

This report consolidates all materials requirements across various job orders, providing a comprehensive overview of materials needed for upcoming production schedules.

The fields in the Aggregated Materials Requirement report are:

CheckboxThe checkbox next to each material allows users to select specific items for printing or exporting. By default, all items are selected. Uncheck to exclude materials from the operation.
WarehouseJob Order’s warehouse indicates the designated warehouse to receive the job.


Item number or identifier refers to the material item. 


The full description, specifications, or name of the material item.

Total Qty RequiredCalculated as the total of (Qty Per * Qty to Release entered from the "Job Order List") for each material.  


Unit of measure for the material item.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by:
    1. Job Order - Select the range of job order number to filter the results 
    2. Suffix - Select the range of job suffix number to filter the results.
    3. Job Date - Select the range of job date to filter the results.
    4. Start Date - Select the range of start date to filter the results.
    5. Item - Select the range of job item to filter the results.
    6. Product Code - Select the range of product code to filter the results.
  2. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.
  3. Click the Filter button to produce the “Job Order List” popup listing based on selected filters.
    1. Filters only include 'Released' job orders with (Job order’s qty released minus qty completed) greater than zero. 
    2. User can enter different "Qty to Release" values for each job order as needed.
    3. Click Reset button to to reset all the "Qty to Release" value to "Qty Required".
    4. Click Generate button, the popup window will close and return to the parent page.
  4. Filters result include Job Material’s Qty Required greater than zero.
  5. Click Print to print out the report from PDF if applicable.

Job Materials Requirement by Operation 

This report details the materials required for each operation within a production process, aiding in precise planning and allocation of resources. 

The fields in the Aggregated Materials Requirement report are:

WarehouseJob Order’s warehouse indicates the designated warehouse to receive the job.
Job OrderThe job order number.
SuffixThe job order suffix number.
Qty to ReleaseQty to Release entered from the "Job Order List" for each job
OperationThe job operation number.
Work CenterWork center code of the operation.


The full description of the work center.


Item number or identifier refers to the material item. 


The full description, specifications, or name of the material item.

Qty RequiredCalculated as the total of (Qty Per * Qty to Release entered from the Job Order List) for each material.   


Unit of measure for the material item.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by:
    1. Job Order - Select the range of job order number to filter the results 
    2. Suffix - Select the range of job suffix number to filter the results.
    3. Job Date - Select the range of job date to filter the results.
    4. Start Date - Select the range of start date to filter the results.
    5. Item - Select the range of job item to filter the results.
  2. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.
  3. Click the Filter button to produce the “Job Order List” popup listing based on selected filters.
    1. Filters only include 'Released' job orders with (Job order’s qty released minus qty completed) greater than zero. 
    2. User can enter different "Qty to Release" values for each job order as needed.
    3. Click Reset button to to reset all the "Qty to Release" value to "Qty Required".
    4. Click Generate button, the popup window will close and return to the parent page.
  4. Filters result include Job Material’s Qty Required greater than zero.
  5. Click Print to print out the report from PDF if applicable.

Transaction – Print Job Sheet

This report displays the information of the job orders, job operations and the job materials.  

Within the Transaction Parameter form, if the "Enable Multi Scan (Production)" checkbox under the System object is selected, then the QR code at the top of the Job Sheet will include both the Job Order and Suffix values. Additionally, in the Job Sheet's listing section below, each record's QR code will incorporate the Job Order, Suffix, and Operation Number. Conversely, if this checkbox is unchecked, the system will revert to generating individual barcodes for each of the Job Order, Suffix, and Operation Number, instead of combining them into a single QR code.

The fields in the Print Job Sheet report are:


Start Date

The date to begin production.

Job Date

The date when the job order is created.


The job status.


The designated code given to the job order item.

Item Description

The full description, specifications, or name of the job order item.

ActionUser can click on Print button to print out the job sheet.

Filter Results

  1. User may filter result by:
    1. Start Date - Select the range of job start date to filter the results.
    2. Job Date - Select the range of job date to filter the results.
    3. Job Order - Select the range of job order number to filter the results.
    4. Status - Select the job status to filter the results.
    5. Item - Select the range of job item to filter the results.
  2. Click the Filter button to filter result.
  3. Click Reset button to clear all the filters.