Inquiry functions allow user to get the real time information on the production status and to find out the job attachments.

Job Inquiry

The Job Inquiry form allow users to monitor the status and progress of the production process and transactions.

Perform Job Inquiry

1. Select the Inquiry tab from the menu then select Job Inquiry.

2. User must select a Warehouse to inquiry. Optionally, user can select the Job Order number, job Item, Job Date, Work Center and Due Date to narrow the search results.

3. Select the Status to filter the search results, default is Released.

4. Click the Details button to inquire.

5. System will display the results of job orders which fulfilled the filter. The job order border color indicates the urgency of the job.

  • Green color indicates the job due date is still far away.
  • Orange color indicates the job is remain x hour(s) from the due date (the hours remaining according to Job Inquiry parameter settings).
  • Red color indicates the job missed its due date.

The progress bar show you the percentage of completed job item.

6. Click on the job order to view more details.

Job Attachment Inquiry

The Job Attachment Inquiry form allow users to search all attachments and notes on the job orders, job routes and job materials level.

Perform Job Attachment Inquiry

1. Select the Inquiry tab from the menu then select Job Attachment Inquiry.

2. Optionally, user can select the Warehouse to narrow the search results.

3. Scan or select the Job Order and Suffix to inquiry.

4. Optionally, scan or select the Operation number to search attachment in specific job operation.

5. Click the Details button to inquire.

6. In the Details form, system will show the number of attachment and notes for the job order, operation, and operation sequence (material). Click on the option that you want to view the attachment and notes.

7. In the Job Notes And Documents form, the system will list all the attachments and notes. Click on the attachment link to view.