General dashboard provides information for inventory module such as the order and pick list status, shortage of customer order's items, outstanding purchase order's items, lot items near expiry and items below re-order level. User can filter the information by warehouse basis. User can click and drag the chart widget to rearrange the position.

Order and Pick List Status

The colourful small boxes on top will show the status for Customer Order, Purchase Order, Pick List and Transfer Order. 


Completed Today

It show the number of order or pick list which the status auto/manual change to Completed/Closed on that day.

Due Today

It show the number of Open and/or Released order or pick list which the due date is on that day.

Past Due

It show the number of Open and/or Released order or pick list which already past due.

Orders Due in the Next 3 Days

The bar chart shows the number of order/pick list with Open/Released status which are going to due in next 3 days. The y-axis is the number of order, the x-axis is next 3 days. User can click on View More (Inventory) hyperlink to see the details in new tab. 

Top 5 CO Items by Shortage

The bar chart shows the top five items with highest total quantity shortage from all customer orders with Open status. The yellow bar represent the quantity shortage and green bar represent the quantity available. User can click on View More hyperlink to see the order lines details in new tab.

Top 5 Items by Outstanding PO Lines

The bar chart shows the top five items with balance to receive. It will show for the items with highest number of Open purchase order line. The y-axis is the number of purchase order line with the outstanding item, the x-axis is the top 5 items with most outstanding purchase order lines. User can click on View More hyperlink to see the order lines details in new tab.

Top 5 Lot Items Nearing Expiry

The table shows the top 5 lot items which are going to expire soon. It will display the item number, item description, lot number and days to expiry. User can click on View More hyperlink to see more lot items that going to expire in new tab. 

Top 5 Items Below Reorder %

The bar charts shows the top 5 lot items with highest percentage quantity on hand below re-order level. The formula to get the percentage is by divide the quantity to re-order with the  re-order level. User can click on View More button to see more items that are below re-order level in new tab.