The Inventory module in Axacute provides comprehensive features and processes for effective inventory management. Below are the detailed features:

General Features

There is a lot of general features which provide the necessary functionalities related to inventory management.

Master Data Creation and Maintenance

  1. Warehouses, Zones, and Locations: Users can create and manage multiple warehouses, define zones within each warehouse, and assign locations with specific rankings.
  2. Item Control: Users have control over various item attributes, including lot-tracking, expiry-tracking, default shelf life, count group, and issuance rules (e.g., by lot number, location ranking, FEFO, or FIFO).
  3. Master Data Management: Users can efficiently manage master data such as Unit of Measure (UOM), UOM Conversions, Customers, Vendors, Employees, and more.

Lot Number Definition

  1. Users can define distinct lot number formats for different lot-tracked items.
  2. The system automatically generates new lot numbers based on the defined format during item receiving.
  3. The system provides a few segments to customize the lot number format, such Year, Month, Date and Constant/divider.

Barcode Administration

  1. The Axacute Barcode Admin module provides a centralized hub for managing various barcode label templates used across different transactions.
  2. The system offers 7 distinct label types, each with a predefined template. Users can find and modify these templates within the Barcode Admin module. The system initializes the label templates upon the creation of a new site. Users have the flexibility to modify existing templates or reset them to the predefined settings. The available label types are:
  3. Inventory Label: Template designed for inventory-related transactions.
    1. CO Shipping Label: Template for Customer Order (CO) shipping transactions.
    2. PO Receipt Label: Template for Purchase Order (PO) receipt transactions.
    3. Job Receipt Label: Template specific to job receipt transactions.
    4. Job Material Label: Template designed for labeling job materials.
    5. TO Shipping Label: Template for Transfer Order (TO) shipping transactions.
    6. Pallet Label: Template tailored for pallet-related transactions.
  4. Label Modification
    1. Users can easily modify label templates by accessing the respective label type within the Barcode Admin module.
    2. The system allows users to customize content, arrange positions, and define label sizes as needed.
    3. Modifications made by users are stored, providing a tailored and adaptable approach to label design


Pallet Creation and Maintenance

  1. Users can create and maintain pallets within the system. 
  2. The pallet functionality consolidates inventory into pallets within a designated warehouse and location. 
  3. Each pallet is assigned a unique identifying number, often referred to as the license plate number (LPN).
  4. Pallets can be configured to meet specific requirements:
    1. Single-Item Pallet: Includes only one item in a pallet.
    2. Multi-Item Pallet: Allows the inclusion of multiple items within a single pallet.

License Plate Number Definition

  1. The LPN Definition form allows users to set the format for pallet numbers.
  2. This format guides the automatic generation of LPN numbers for each pallet.
  3. Users can customize the LPN format to meet specific preferences and requirements.

Pallet Move (Mobile Version)

  1. User can easily relocate pallets from one location to another within a warehouse using the mobile version.

Pallet Letdown (Mobile Version)

  1. Efficiently remove items from a pallet, either partially or completely, and transfer them to another location via the mobile version.

Pallet Transfer (Mobile Version)

  1. Transfer items between pallets within the same warehouse and location using the mobile version.

Pallet Builder (Mobile Version)

  1. Facilitate the movement of loose items from a location into an existing pallet through the mobile version.

Pallet Destruction (Mobile Version)

  1. Effortlessly empty and destroy pallets as needed, ensuring proper handling of obsolete or unusable pallets via the mobile version.

Transfer Order

Transfer Order Creation and Maintenance

  1. Transfer orders facilitate the seamless movement of items between warehouses within the system.
  2. Users can create and maintain transfer orders with essential details:
    1. Origin and destination warehouse.
    2. Scheduled ship and receipt dates.
    3. Driver details, streamlining logistics coordination.
  3. Each transfer order is defined with line-specific information:
    1. Line number.
    2. Item to be transferred.
    3. Quantity required for the transfer.

Order Number Definition

  1. Users can define a specific transfer order number format.
  2. The system generates order numbers based on the format specified by the user.
  3. Enables customization of order number structures to align with organizational preferences.
  4. Users can maintain one active order number definition per order type.
  5. Facilitates systematic and structured order numbering for various types of transactions.

Outgoing - Transfer Order Shipping (Mobile Version)

  1. Users execute the shipping of items, either in units or pallets, from the origin warehouse based on the established transfer order.
  2. The system automates updates to:
    1. Transfer order line, specifically the quantity shipped.
    2. Inventory levels of the item in the specified location.
    3. Generation of a transaction record for Transfer Order Shipping.

Incoming - Transfer Order Receipt (Mobile Version)

  1. After the item is shipped from the origin warehouse, users initiate the receiving process at the destination warehouse, adhering to the transfer order.
  2. The system automatically updates:
    1. Transfer order line, accounting for quantity received and any quantity lost during the transfer.
    2. Inventory levels of the item in the receiving location.
    3. Generation of a transaction record for Transfer Order Receipt.

Key Features

  1. Real-time tracking of quantities shipped and received ensures accurate inventory management.
  2. Inclusion of scheduled ship and receipt dates, along with driver information, supports effective logistics planning.
  3. Generation of transaction records provides a detailed audit trail for Transfer Order Shipping and Receipt processes.
  4. The system logs any quantity lost during the transfer process, enhancing visibility into inventory accuracy.

Axacute's Transfer Order Management module offers a robust solution for users to create, ship, and receive items between warehouses, fostering efficient inventory control and comprehensive logistics coordination.


Customer Order Allocation and Pick List  


  1. Users filter and select order lines for allocation.
  2. The system automatically performs hard allocation based on allocation rules (FEFO, FIFO, lot number sequence, and location ranking).
  3. Allocation runs as a background task without interrupting user usage.
  4. Users can manually check and modify allocation status after completion

Pick List Generation

Prerequisite - Allocation must be completed before generating the pick list.

  1. Users filter and select open allocation lines.
  2. Admin selects grouping rules for the pick list, such as:
    • Single order pick list.
    • Zone pick list.
    • Customer shipping zone pick list.
  3. System automatically assigns pick list due date based on the earliest due date of the order lines.
  4. Admin can perform batch updates to:
    • Assign picker.
    • Change due date.
    • Assign packing location.
    • Control pick list status.
  5. Users have control over the status of the pick list header and lines.
  6. Pick list lines automatically close when items are picked.

Pick List Picking and Unpicking (Mobile Version)

  1. Pick lists are assigned to warehouse pickers for item picking to fulfill various transactions (i.e. customer order).
  2. Users can sort pick lists and items based on due date, customer code, zone location, etc.
  3. System validates item, lot, location, and quantity pick based on parameter settings. Configuration options include allowing the picker to change lot and location or perform partial picks.
  4. After picking, users move the picked items to the designated packing location defined in the pick list.
  5. Users can perform unpicking, the reverse process of picking, returning items from the packing location to the inventory location.
  6. System updates inventory levels at the respective locations.
  7. Transaction records are generated for Pick List Picking and Unpicking.

Axacute's Allocation and Pick List Management modules provide a comprehensive and efficient workflow for users to allocate items, generate pick lists, and perform picking and unpicking processes, ensuring accurate and streamlined warehouse operations.


Inventory Count

Count Batch Generation

  1. Users can generate a list of count batches in the system.
  2. A count batch represents an inventory counting session or run.
  3. Multiple batches can be open and running simultaneously.
  4. A count batch contains multiple count sheets, grouping locations and items for efficient counting.
  5. Count sheets simplify the printing of inventory count records.
  6. During the inventory count generate process, users can filter items based on criteria such as count group, last count date, and product code.
  7. Filtered items are added to the count batch.
  8. Users can split the count batch into multiple count sheets.
  9. Assign counters for each count sheet.
  10. Control the status of the count batch and count sheet.
  11. Items are frozen when the count sheet status is released.
  12. Users can suspend a count sheet to allow variance differences to be resolved.
  13. Counted lines can be posted to inventory or exception lines can be posted to inventory.
  14. Items are unfrozen once the count sheet status is closed.

Counting Process (Mobile Version)

  1. Users can perform inventory count using the mobile version.
  2. Access to the inventory count sheet is restricted to users assigned as counters.
  3. Counters update the quantity counted into the system.
  4. Users from the web version can perform stock reconciliation decisions based on the counted results.

Key Features

  1. Users can manage multiple count batches and sheets simultaneously for streamlined counting sessions.
  2. Criteria-based item filtering during count setup allows for a focused and organized counting process.
  3. Suspension of count sheets and exception posting enable users to resolve variance differences during the counting process.
  4. The mobile version allows designated counters to update quantities efficiently.

Axacute's Inventory Count module provides a systematic approach to reconciling stock in the system with actual stock in the warehouse, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in inventory management.


Inquiry (Mobile Version)

Item Inquiry

  1. Users can get real-time information on the inventory level of a specific item.
  2. Inventory details are available on a warehouse-location basis.
  3. Lot-tracked items allow checking inventory levels for each lot in each location.

Location Inquiry

  1. Users can inquire about the inventory levels of all items in a specific warehouse-location.
  2. For lot-tracked items, users can check inventory levels for each lot in the specified location.

Incoming - Put Away (Mobile Version)

  1. The process involves moving items from the staging/dock area to the warehouse storage location after receiving ordered items.
  2. The system updates the quantity on hand for the item.
  3. Generates a transaction record for Put Away.

Warehouse Transactions (Mobile Version)

Stock Move

  1. Allows users to transfer items from one location to another within the warehouse.
  2. System updates inventory levels for both the origin and new locations.
  3. Generates a transaction record for Stock Move.

Multi-Stock Move

  1. Allows users to move multiple items from different source locations to single or multiple destination locations within a warehouse, all within a single Multi-Stock Move mobile transaction.
  2. System updates inventory levels for both the origin and new locations.
  3. Generates a transaction record for Stock Move.

Miscellaneous Receipt and Issue

  1. Enables users to perform miscellaneous receipts and issues without a formal document or order.
  2. Users define reasons for each miscellaneous transaction (e.g., inventory adjustment, scrap items).
  3. The system updates inventory levels and generates transaction records.

Inventory Label (Mobile Version)

  1. Users can print barcode labels for items or stocks in the warehouse.
  2. Scanning or selecting the warehouse, item, lot, and location generates the barcode label.    

Log & Reporting

Material Transaction

  1. Allows users to view and filter a list of historical inventory transactions.
  2. Provides information on transaction type, involved item, quantity, creator, and creation timestamp.

Value Change Log

  1. Enables auditing of field value changes, recording where, when, and who changed the value.

Import Log

  1. Records all import activities in master and transaction files.
  2. Includes details on import actions, status, file name, import date and time, and the user who initiated the import.

Export Log

  1. Audit trail for all file export actions with status (Successful or Failed), file name, export date and time, user who exported, and the number of rows in the file.

Background Tasks

  1. Monitors tasks run at the Back End, including Allocation, File Exportation, and File Importation.

Integration Log

  1. Displays triggered API integration tasks and their results.
  2. Overview of successful and failed attempts to synchronize data between Axacute and the integrated system.


  1. Provides various reports, including Inventory Balance Report, Inventory Expiry Report, Inventory Below Re-Order Level Report, and more.