Job Status Updater

The Job Status Updater utility simplifies the process of modifying job status for multiple Job Order records. Its intuitive user interface allows users to select records and set new job status values. With a single click, the utility updates all selected records automatically, eliminating manual changes.

The utility efficiently handles large data sets, significantly reducing time and effort. It also provides instant feedback on errors or invalid inputs, enabling immediate corrections. Overall, the Job Status Updater is an invaluable tool for managing Job Order records and streamlining workflows.

The fields in the listing are:

Job OrderJob order number.
SuffixJob order suffix number.
ItemThe designated code given to the job order item.
Item DescriptionThe full description, specifications, or name of the job order item.
Product Code product code of the job order item
Start DateDate to begin production
End DateTarget date of job completion
StatusCurrent Job order status.
New StatusNew status going to be change.

  1. User may filter result by:
  2. Start Date - Select the range of job start date to filter the results.
  3. End Date - Select the range of job end date to filter the results.
  4. Job Order - Select the range of job order number to filter the results.
  5. Suffix - Select the job suffix to filter the results.
  6. Item - Select the range of items to filter the results.
  7. Product Code - Select the range of product code for the job item to filter the results.
  8. Select Preview radio button, allowing the user to review the job status changes in the list before committing them.
  9. Click the Process button to filter result.
  10. Check or uncheck the checkboxes as needed; only records with checked checkboxes will be processed.
  11. Once you have reviewed and confirmed the records in the list, select the Commit mode and click the Process button to proceed with the job status changes.