New Feature

  1. Pallet Importation Functionality 

This new functionality that allows users to import Pallet data from Excel or CSV files.


  1. Implemented validation to prevent the deletion of an item that has been added to the Item Warehouses master file. 
  2. Implemented  validation to prevent the deletion of a Lot if it exists in the Item Lot Location master file. 
  3. Lot Number is now displayed in the LPN Line Details form for reference purposes. 
  4. Implemented special chart handling during Pick List generation. 
  5. Enhanced the error message for failed deletions in the Product Code and UOM master files to provide more precise information. 

Bugs Fixes

  1. Fixed  the issue where the shipping zone did not appear in the Customer Order listing. 
  2. Fixed the issue where the creation time was not updating correctly in the View Pallet form when importing a pallet.
  3. Fixed the issue where the Item Description extended beyond the field boundaries in the Pick List Item and Job Material List forms.