
  1.  Improved flexibility in inventory management with the addition of a 'Item Warehouse Validation' checkbox in the Transaction Parameter form for Customer Orders. This feature allows the enabling or disabling of item-warehouse validation during order creation across UI, API, and File Import. This enhancement supports streamlined processing by optionally bypassing validation, while maintaining the ability for rigorous validation where required.
  2. Improved system-wide handling now ensures that any attempt to update a deleted record is intelligently managed. Before proceeding with updates, the system verifies the record's existence. If found to be deleted, the process is stopped, and a tailored notification, such as "Update Failed: The item [Record ID] no longer exists," informs the user, thereby bolstering user experience and maintaining data integrity throughout the platform.
  3. Improved Customer Order import capabilities now feature the addition of "Shipping Zone" and "Notes" to the import template. This improvement enables users to effortlessly incorporate these details into the application when importing Customer Orders, optimizing both the completeness and accuracy of data entry.
  4. Improved the Purchase Order form by extending the field length for "Vendor Name" and "Item Description" improving visibility of the entered values.
  5. Improved allocation performance by disabling column filtering for "Qty Available" and "Qty Variance" in the Filtered Order Lines form. 

Bugs Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where search filter results were not accurately aligning with the entered search data.
  2. Fixed an technical error by implementing validation on the file types that can be uploaded. Now, only PDF, JPEG, PNG, and JPG files are accepted for job attachments, ensuring system stability and security.
  3. Fixed an issue where clicking the "Connect to QuickBooks" button resulted in no response. Users can now successfully initiate a connection with QuickBooks as intended.
  4. Fixed an issue across several forms where entered values disappeared after an error message popup. Now, entered values will be retained in the following instances, ensuring a smoother user experience:

    a. Add Transfer Order - TO Number

    b. Add Pallet - LPN

    c. Add Job Order - Job Order Number

    d. Add Job Route - Suffix

    e. Add Shipping Zone - Shipping Zone, Description

    f. Add Customer Order - CO Number

    g. Add Purchase Order - PO Number

    Users no longer need to re-enter data after an alert, enhancing efficiency and reducing frustration.