Inventory Count Unmatched

The Inventory Count Unmatched utility assists users in reviewing inventory items that were counted during the inventory count but do not appear on the count sheet lines. This utility provides a comprehensive list of items, allowing users to:

  1. Examine items that were recorded but not found on the count sheet.
  2. Choose whether to process these items as miscellaneous receipts, providing a reason code to justify the adjustment.
  3. Execute miscellaneous receipts in bulk for efficiency, ensuring that inventory records are accurate and up-to-date.

The fields in the listing are: 


Trans. Num

A unique identifier for each discrepancy recorded.

Count Date

The date on which the item was counted. Helps in auditing and tracking inventory adjustments over time.


The identifier of the item that was scanned.


A brief description of the item to assist with quick recognition. 

Lot Number

The lot number that was counted


The location where the item was actually counted.

UOMUnit of Measure
Qty CountedThe quantity of the item that was counted during the inventory session.
CounterIdentifier of the personnel who performed the counting.
WarehouseThe warehouse where the item was actually counted.

The review status of the unmatched entry. Options include:

  • Add: To be added to inventory via Misc Receipt.
  • Reject: The item should not be added to inventory.
  • Empty: Pending review (initial status).

Note: If the review status is "Processed," the status dropdown will be disabled and blank.

Reason Code

Linked to the 'Misc. Receipt Reason Code'. This field is:

  • Enabled and required if "Add" is selected.
  • Disabled and blank if the status is not set to "Add".

The default value is determined by the Transaction Parameter settings. Users can select a different Misc Reason Code, provided it exists in the Reason Code master file, applicable to Misc Receipt transaction types.

RemarksAn editable field for additional notes, limited to 100 characters.

A clickable icon that allows supervisors to view detailed location and lot-specific information for the item. This assists in verification and auditing.

Note: The system will route to the Item Lot Location List form if the item is lot-tracked, or the Item Location List form if non-lot tracked, and auto-filter the list by Item, Lot, Location, and Warehouse.

  1. Review the list of items and update the Status of each item as needed.
  2. If you decide to perform a miscellaneous receipt, enter the appropriate Reason Code to justify the adjustment.
  3. Enter any additional notes or explanations in the Remarks field if necessary.
  4. Click on the Action icon to view detailed information about the item’s location or lot. This helps in verifying and understanding the discrepancies.
  5. Select the checkboxes for the records you wish to save, then click on the Save button to apply the changes.
  6. Click Export to Excel button to export the result into Excel format.
  7. Click Export to CSV button to export the result into CSV format.
  8. Select the checkboxes for records with the status set to Add and click on the Process button to perform miscellaneous receipt transactions in bulk.
  9. Check the results of the process in the Material Transactions form under the History tab in the Web application.