There are two ways to migrate data to Axacute which are:

  1. Restful API
  2. Import from Excel or Text File

Restful API

User may perform operation in Axacute via Restful API such as extract listing, read master data by ID, create, edit, and delete master/transactional data by using the HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE).

The primary and recommend format for the API is ‘JSON’. You may refer to the link below for the API Documentation.

Overview Of Balance Migration Via API

The master and transaction files which can be add and update via API is as below:


Master Files

Transaction Files

Master Files

Transaction Files

Product Codes

Purchase Orders


Job Orders


Customer Order


Job Routes


Transfer Orders

Work Centers

Job Materials

UOM Conversions

Indirect Tasks


Reason Codes





Item Locations

Item Lot Locations

Reason Codes

Import From Excel Or Text File

Axacute offers an easier way to enter data into the system. The user can import the Master and Transaction data to Axacute using the template provided in Excel or text file format. The system will run the import function as background task. User can check the status and log file from the Background Task. The system also records the import action in the Import Log.


Allowed File Types

  • Xlsx
  • Xls
  • Csv (Comma separator)

Maximum File Size

500 KB

Maximum Records per File

1,000 lines per uploaded file

Note: Visit here and download the file "04-Import Templates" to import data. Please do not change the column name and sequence of the templates when import. Please check the status for the import in the Background Task and click on View Log file to check the reason when import failed.

Migration Best Practices

There are some important practices when you perform the migration:

  1. Set the cut-off date to get the latest balances at the midnight of the cut-off date.
  2. Perform inventory count to ensure the quantity on hand are accurate.
  3. Verify the contents of the opening balance with the project team members before migration.
  4. Migrate only outstanding orders.
  5. After migration, verify and ensure the numbers and orders are correct.