Users can create and maintain the transfer orders in the system. Transfer orders can be used for transferring items between warehouses. The Transfer Orders (TO) list contains the collection of all transfer order lines. TO must be in this collection to be available from the drop-down list. The fields in the TO form are:

Transfer Order Header

TO Number

A TO Number uniquely identifies a transfer order

From Warehouse

Identifies the warehouse from which inventory items are being transferred.

(Must exist in Warehouses master)

To Warehouse

 Identifies the warehouse to which inventory items are being transferred.

(Must exist in Warehouses master)

Transit Loc

Temporary location to hold the item while moving to another warehouse. Also known as in-transit location

(Must exist in Locations master and location type is Transit)

Scheduled Receipt Date

Scheduled receive date of the transfer order line

Scheduled Ship Date

Scheduled ship date of the transfer order line

Pickup Date

Pickup date of the transfer order line


Open: TO line is still in process. Line is not completely shipped and received.

Completed: TO line fully shipped and received

Driver Name

Driver's name

Driver Contact

Driver's contact number

Vehicle Number

Vehicle number

Transfer Order Line


Transfer order line number


Item which needs to be transferred

(Must exist in Items master)


Item description. This field is filled by the system


Order line item’s unit of measurement

(Must exist in UOMs master

and UOM Conversions master if is not item’s base uom)


Open: TO line is still in process. Line is not completely shipped and received.

Completed: TO line fully shipped and received

Qty Required

Quantity of  items that needs to transferred

Qty Shipped

Total quantity shipped. This field is updated by the TO Ship transaction from the mobile application

Qty Receipt

Total Quantity received. This field is updated by the TO receipt transaction in the mobile application

Qty Lost

Total Quantity Loss. This field is updated by the TO receipt transaction in the mobile application

Add New Transfer  Order

Case: Adding a new Transfer Order record.

1. In the Transfer Orders List form, click the Add button.

2. Fill in all the required fields.

3. Click the Add TO Line button to continue.

4. Fill in all the required fields in the TO line.

5. Click the Save button to complete or click the Save & Add New Line button to add another TO line for the same TO.

Add New Transfer Order Line

Case: Adding a new Transfer Order line to an existing Transfer Order.

1. In the Transfer Orders List form, click the TO Number (highlighted in blue) which is needed to add a new TO line.

2. In the View Transfer Order form, click on the Add TO Line button.

3. Fill in all the required fields in the TO line.

4. Click the Save button to save the TO line or click the Save & Add New Line button to add a TO line to an existing TO.

Edit Transfer Order

Case: Editing an existing Transfer Order.

1. In the Transfer Orders List form, click the TO Number (highlighted in blue) to make modifications.

2. In the View Transfer Order form, click on the Edit TO button.

3. In the Edit Transfer Order form, update the fields you wish to change. Transit Loc is not allowed to edit when there is any quantity shipped for any of the order line.

4. Click the Save button to complete the editing.

Edit Transfer Order Line

Case: Editing an existing Transfer Order Line.

1. In the Transfer Orders List form or View Transfer Order form, click the Edit button of the TO Line to make modifications.

2. In the Edit Transfer Order Line form, update the fields you wish to change.

3. Click the Save button to complete the editing.

Delete Transfer Order

Case: Deleting a Transfer Order.

1. In the Transfer Orders List form, click the TO Number (highlighted in blue) to delete.

2. In the View Transfer Order form, click on the Delete TO button.

3. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion, otherwise, click the Cancel button.

Delete Transfer Order Line

Case: Deleting a Transfer Order Line.

1. In the Transfer Orders List form or View Transfer Order form, tick the checkbox of the line you wish to delete.

2. Click on the Delete button.

3. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion, otherwise, click Cancel button.

Import Data From Excel Template

1. In the Customer Orders List form, click the Import button and select the Excel file to import.

Note: Visit here and download the file "04-Import Templates" to import data. Kindly refer to Opening Balance Migration guide for the file importation rules and constraints.

2. Click on the Import button.

3. Ensure the success message is displayed at the top right. Users can check the status and log file from the Background Task.