- Add New Job Route
- Edit Job Route
- Delete Job Route
- Add Job Route Attachment And Note
- Delete Job Route Attachment And Note
- Import Data From Excel Template
Job route is the sequence of operations requires to convert the raw materials into the finished good. Job routes is attached to a job order and compulsory before the user can release the job order to the shop floor. Like job order, the system also provides function for user to attach job document in the job route. Employee can refer to the job attachment before proceeding to start job run. The Job Route List contains the collection of all job routes used throughout the production cycle. Job route must be in this collection to be available from the drop-down list. The fields in the Job Route form are:
Warehouse | Warehouse to receive the job (Must exist in Warehouses master) |
Job Order | A job order number uniquely identifies a job order (Must exist in Job Orders transactions and is from the selected warehouse) |
Suffix | The job order suffix number |
Operation | Sequence number of the process |
Active | Indicator of activeness. If unchecked, the system will not show the job route in the drop-down lists. |
Setup Hours | Total setup hours spent on the job route. This field is updated by the job run transaction in the mobile application |
Run Hours | Total labour run hours spent on the job route. This field is updated by the job run transaction in the mobile application |
Machine Hours | Total machine run hours spent on the job route. This field is updated by the machine run transaction in the mobile application |
Machine Hours per Piece | The machine hour rate to produce the job item |
Labour Hours per Piece | The labour hour rate to produce the job item |
Work Center | The station/work center performing this process (Must exist in Work Centers master) |
Notes | Remarks on the job route |
Qty Moved | The quantity moved to next operation. This field is updated by the labour/machine run transaction in the mobile application |
Qty Completed | Total quantity finished. This field is updated by the labour/machine run transaction in the mobile application |
Qty Received | The quantity received/moved from previous operation. This field is updated by the labour/machine run transaction in the mobile application |
Qty Scrapped | Total quantity rejected. This field is updated by the labour/machine run transaction in the mobile application |
Add New Job Route
Case: Adding a new Job Route record.
1. In the Job Route List form, click Add button.
2. Fill in all required fields.
3. Click Save button to complete. Alternately, user can click on Save & Add New Route button to add another route for the job order or click on Save & Back to Job Order to redirect back to View Job Order form.
4. After adding a new job route, user can proceed to add the material by click on Add Material button.
Edit Job Route
Case: Editing existing Job Route.
1. In the Job Route List form, click the Edit button of the job route to modify.
2. In the Edit Job Route form, update the fields you wish to change.
3. Click Save button to complete the editing. Alternately, user can click on Save & Back to Job Order button to redirect back to View Job Order form.
Delete Job Route
Case: Deleting Job Route.
1. In the Job Route List form, tick the checkbox for the line you wish to delete.
2. Click on Delete button.
3. Click Yes button in confirm message to delete the job route. Otherwise, click Cancel button.
Add Job Route Attachment And Note
Case: Add attachment and note to Job Route.
1. In the Job Route List form, click the Attachment button for the job route which needed to add attachment and note.
2. Otherwise, user can click the Job Operation Number (highlighted in blue) which needed to add attachment.
3. In the View Job Route form, click on View Attachments button.
4. In the Attachment List form, click on Add Doc button.
5. Click on the Choose File button to select the file need to add. Click Add button if want to add more file.
6. Click on the Upload button to add the attachment.
7. If want to add notes to the job route, in the Attachment List form, click on Add Notes button.
8. Fill in the Subject and Content.
9. Click Save button to add note.
Delete Job Route Attachment And Note
Case: Delete attachment and note from Job Route.
1. In the Job Route List form, click the Attachment button for the job route which needed to delete attachment and note.
2. Otherwise, user can click the Job Route Number (highlighted in blue) to delete attachment.
3. In the View Job Route form, click on View Attachments button.
4. In the Attachment List form, click on Delete button for the document or note that needed to delete.
5. Click Yes button in confirm message to delete the job route attachment. Otherwise, click Cancel button.
Import Data From Excel Template
1. In the Job Route List form, click the Import button and select the Excel file to import.
Note: Visit here and download the file "04-Import Templates" to import data. Kindly refer to Opening Balance Migration guide for the file importation rules and constraints.
2. Click on Import button.
3. Ensure the success message is displayed at the top. User can check the status and log file from the Background Task.